Who’s in it for me?
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

Who’s in it for me?

Bible Copy Club is "God's Word In Your Hand". Capturing the sense that God's word is both precious and personal. It is something to be cherished and held, both tightly and gently.

This year, Bible Copy Club will focus on seeing more of God in every passage.

No longer "What's in it for me?" but rather, "Who is in it for me."

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Christmas is a serious business
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

Christmas is a serious business

Advent is a period of hope and anticipation for a Savior. Its luster is more clearly seen and more keenly felt when set truthfully against the real darkness of a fallen, stricken, and largely unrepentant world.

Only when we witness Christmas as the serious business it is, can we truly make space for Jesus and experience true tidings of comfort and joy

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A lived-in Bible marks a lived-out faith
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

A lived-in Bible marks a lived-out faith

Our digital devotions are often forgettable to us and will forever be invisible to our families. Leaving no trace of faith for them to follow and find hope, inspiration, and comfort in, beyond the brief span of our lives. Hand copies of Bible passages ware a legacy that will outlive us.

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How Bible Copy Work Closely Connects us to God
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

How Bible Copy Work Closely Connects us to God

When we copy passages from the Bible we are connected by an unbroken thread to the first authors of the Bible and to countless anonymous saints of the past. Bible copywork is a visceral emotional experience.

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Who holds the pen?
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

Who holds the pen?

He who holds the pen holds the power. Writers are remembered and also determine what will be remembered and cherished. The pen is truly mightier than the sword. As long as those words are trustworthy and true to stand the test of time.

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“All we can do is pray”
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

“All we can do is pray”

Humans are fragile and can only control so much of the environment around them. Sometimes (oftentimes) when we are at the end of our power to act, the only thing we can do is pray.

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Rob Hix's Unique Bible Copy Method
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

Rob Hix's Unique Bible Copy Method

Rob Hix has a unique take on hand copying the Bible. He traces out pre-printed pages to create a clean, clear transcripts. You can follow his progress through the Bible on his YouTube channel and the Facebook group he has created.

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How hand-copying the Bible will increase your joy
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

How hand-copying the Bible will increase your joy

Bible Copy Club was set up to increase your joy in the word of God. This short article contains tips on how to ensure the practice serves that purpose so you can come closer to the word and heart of God without feeling the burden to “get it done” or to do it perfectly.

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A world record and a hand written Bible
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

A world record and a hand written Bible

On the wall of his insurance agency office in downtown Victoria, MN is a certificate from the Guinness Book of World Records for the world’s longest marathon board game. 61 hours playing the baseball stats game Stat-o- Matic with his partner in 2012.

That’s impressive enough, but sitting on his desk a few inches away is the product of another even more extraordinary marathon. Five bound volumes comprising Henneman's own hand-copied Bible. Completed in 900 hours over four years,solo.

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How to make hand-copying your Bible special
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

How to make hand-copying your Bible special

There’s something very special about taking the time to write out by hand passages from the Bible. You can increase your sense of reverence and with it your joy by adopting these three tips.

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How to enjoy copying out Bible passages by hand
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

How to enjoy copying out Bible passages by hand

Bible Copy Club will bring you closer to God through the act of writing out His word in Your hand. Enjoy the time you spend by giving yourself the short 10-15 minutes of peace you and He deserves.

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The extraordinary benefits of handwriting
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

The extraordinary benefits of handwriting

Handwriting is something that we often take for granted. It’s something that we’ve been doing since childhood, so it’s easy to overlook its importance and the many benefits it can bring us. In this blog post, we’ll take a deeper look into the many benefits of handwriting, and how it can help improve our mental and physical health.

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Unleash the Power of Your Pen: 10 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Writing by Hand
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

Unleash the Power of Your Pen: 10 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Writing by Hand

As a writer, I have always been fascinated by the power of the written word. But it wasn't until I started writing by hand that I truly began to understand the incredible benefits that this simple act can offer. Writing by hand is not only a great way to express your thoughts and ideas, but it can also have a profound impact on your physical and mental health. In this article, I will explore the 10 scientifically proven health benefits of writing by hand.

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Phillip Patterson's Amazing Handwritten Bible
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

Phillip Patterson's Amazing Handwritten Bible

New Yorker Phillip Patterson took four years, from 2009-2013, to handwrite this stunning artisanal copy of the Bible. Combined with stunning photography , we tell the story of a true labor of love.

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How a teen created a Bible in 9 years
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

How a teen created a Bible in 9 years

Caroline Campbell began copying her Bible during sermons at church. Over 9 years she applied herself diligently, and completed the Bible before her 30th birthday.

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So good did it twice
Andrew Heddle Andrew Heddle

So good did it twice

Freddie North of Clarkesville, Georgia, has handwritten not one but two Bibles. Investing a little over seven years, he now has an NIV and a King James Version to show for his efforts. Aside from creating a legacy, he says meticulously working through the Bible word by word brought him a better understanding of its meaning.

“It brought me closer to God and gave me more understanding of the Bible,

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What people are saying

“I promise I won’t text you every morning, but this morning was so encouraging”

— Brent P

“You’ve inspired me to write each verse in Russian as well as English.”

— Alexey B

“This is such a wonderful practice with eternal benefit.”

— Vikki C

I’ve read the first verses of John’s Gospel many times, but never explored the importance of the word “light. This practice is so intriguing

-Dan K

“This simple practice has become a highlight of my mornings”

— Sarah A

Handwritten journal with a passage taken from Ecclesiastes.


Bible Copy Club

Bible Copy Club is a daily email newsletter to help you create a new enjoyable, rewarding and exciting “Bible Writing Habit.”

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