Bible Copy Club

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How to enjoy copying out Bible passages by hand

Take your time

Read then write then read again. It takes about 15 minutes to write out the passage, but end to end the experience is a bit longer. I read the passage once, slowly, and make a note of all the punctuation. There's usually a lot, and it adds to the meaning. I also check for capitalization. There can be a lot of that too.

One bite at a time. Once I've read the passage through, I start writing one phrase at a time. I want to capture the meaning not just note the words, so I try to go phrase by phrase making sure I get all the punctuation correct. I find that really helps me focus.

Don't rush it. I don't feel pressure to finish the whole thing in one session. I've completed each day in as many as four sessions in the past. Ideally I do it at the start of the day, but I've also finished at midnight. The section is never so long that it hangs over me. I know I can find the time even if in small chunks. I've even found that letting the text 'sit' in my mind during the day brings out new impressions.

Bring a friend. Bible Copy Club is there to be shared. So do find a friend to hold you accountable and to share your insights and experience with. An experience shared is an experience fully lived.

P.S Share the journey by forwarding this email or this link to a friend. It's great to share and will increase your own enjoyment immeasurably.

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